Since from the year 2002, SAHAYOG is working in the field of handicraft Development.

Handicraft Developments
Since from the year 2002, SAHAYOG is working in the field of handicraft Development. The major handicraft on which SAHAYOG is working are.
Bidriware is a flourishing handicraft of Bidar, North Karnataka, the craft of Bidriware was Introduced in Bidar by a Persian artisan Abdulla bin Kaiser who was among a group of skilled workers brought from Iran by Sultan ahmed Shahwali Bahmani in the early 5th century Abdulla expertise in this exquisite Craft impressed the Sultan to such an extent that he arranged for the training of local craftsmen in bidriware handicraft in the Mahmud Gawan Madarsa in its original Persian avatar Bidriwork in the inlaying of Gold or Silver on a Steel or copper base the present method on envisages on alloy of zinc. & copper as the base metal a unique aspect of the bidriware craft is the soil used to ornament the art objects. This soil, which has not received rain or sunlight for centuries, is collected by the artisans from the inner area of the Bidar fort. The soil contains ingredients that give a lustrous black color to Bidriware.
SAHAYOG is working with Bidriware Craft Artisan since from year 2002. in the early 2002 NABARD has identified, SAHAYOG as a implementing partner of Bidriware Cluster Development programme under its rural industrialization (NPRI), later in the year 2004, office of the Development commissioner (Handicrafts) ministry of textiles govt. of India has supported to this Craft under ambedker hastshilp Vikas Yojana (A.H.V.Y) by giving Grant Support to SAHAYOG NGO for implementation of cluster programmefor Bidri Handicraft.
Since 2004 SAHYOG has made remarkable achievement in the Development of Bidricraft the following are the major activities conducted by SAHAYOG in the Bidricraft is:
- Baseline Survey & Mobilization of Artisans.
- Formation of 15 No. of Self Help Group by covering totally 216 Artisans.
- Linkages of Self Help Groups to Bank for availing credit facilities.
- Conducting 10 No. of Skill Upgradation Training to Bidri Artisans covering 200 artisans for a period of four month each.
- Conducted 4 No. of Design & technical Development workshop for a period of 15 days each by covering 120 Artisans.
- Conducted One Batch of Integreted Design & Technical Development Project for a Period of Six Month for 50 Artisans.
- Conducted 5 REDP Trainings for 125 Artisans.
- Conducted 3 No. of Exhibition for marketing of Bidri Craft.
- Distributed 216 Sets of improved Tool Kits to Bidri Artisans.
- Printing of 3000 Product Catalogue of Bidri Craft.
Apart from the above activities SAHAYOG also helped Bidri Artisans in getting Artisan Card insurance coverage & other welfare programme.
After the intervent of SAHAYOG the following Bidri Artisan Got Awards.
- Md. Moizuddin. National Award.
- M.A Rouf – National Award.
- Rajkumar – State Award.
- Laxmi Bai – State Award.
Zari & Zardozi an embroidery practiced by all part in India, Zardozi is a ancient Persian art (Zar in Persian means gold and Dozi is embroidery) which has been passed down for many generation, dating back before the Mughal Empire.
In the district of Bidar, keeping with same trend, the craft is mainly practiced in eight villages of Bidar Taluka where there is a concentration of Muslim population & in the entire city of Bidar.
SAHAYOG is working with Zari & Zardozi Artisans since from year 2007. in the year 2008-09 Office of the DC (Handicraft), ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India has sanctioned Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojna (A.H.V.Y) a Cluster Programme on Zari & Zardozi in 8 Villages of Bidar Tluka Dist Bidar. 300 women Artisans are covered in his cluster Programme.
Zari & Zardozi & Hand Embroidery since from 2007. SAHAYOG has made a remarkable achievement in the Development of Zari & Zardozi Craft.
- Base line Survey & Mobilization of Artisans.
- Helped nearly 1000 Artisans in getting I.D Cards both in Bidar City & in Cluster Villages Issued by Office of the D.C (H).
- Formed 17 No. of self help Group by covering 300 Rural women Artisans in the Cluster Programme.
- Linked all the 17 SHG of artisan to bank for getting loan.
- Conducted 2 no of Desert & Technical Developed workshop for city based women artisan.
- Conducted 10 no of skill upgradation Trainingl programme for 200 artisans for 4 months each.
- Conducted 8 No of Design and Tehnical Development workshop for 240 Artisans for a period of 15 days each.
- Conducted 2 No of Exposure visit to Hyderabad and Vikarabad cluster for 40 artisans.
- Conducted exhibitions cum sale and CRAFT BAZARS, in Mumbai, Bangalore, & Hubli for the benefit of Artisans.
- Printed 3000 product catalogue of Zari & Zardozi for the benefit of Artisans for improve their markets.
- A federation of SHG group was formed & registered in the name of Diamond Zari & Zardozi Artisans society.
- Insurance coverage for the entire cluster Artisans.
SAHAYOG is working with Bamboo Craft Artisans since from 2011 more than 200 Bamboo Craft Practicing Artisans were identified & helped in getting Artisans I.D Cards from O/o the D.C (Handicraft) also conducted Two No. of Design & Technical Development workshop for 60 Artisans for period of 15 days each sponsored by O/o the D.C (Handicraft) in their Design Technical Upgradation (D.T.U) Scheme.
SAHAYOG'S works is guided by the followng value
Our Values
Equity and Equality
we work primarily on issues relating to marginalized groups and individuals such as rural, low literacy communities, who may be Dalit, Muslim and Backward and have a focus on Women, Children, Low income Artisans and young people we promote diversity in our Governing Board our partner and Staff.
Honesty, Commitment and Solidarity
Honesty is one of our major values in all of our work. we are always having a commitment and Solidarity with women and Children in their Struggles.
we promote people's use of the Right to Information; we uphold budget and accounting transparency; all staff are transparent in reporting their work each month, the organizational reports are made public.
We believe people have the rights to participate in decision making that concern them, regardless of whether they are rural, non Literature or poor. Organizational staff have the right to be part of framing organizational rules.
we are committed to bringing about grass roots empowerment leading to policy and programme change through our work; We believe in delivering quality outputs.

Our Strength
Current Funding Partners
SAHAYOG’S Current work is generally supported by the following agencies/ Government Department.
- Action Aid Association 2004 – Present.
- D.C (Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles Govt. of India. 2004-05 – Present.
- Childline India Foundation 2010-11 – Present.
- Ministry of Minority affairs Govt. of India, 2013-14 – Present.
- Bidar District Child Labour Rehabilitation Society, 2006-07 – Present
- Watershed Development Department Govt. of Karanataka, 2000-01 Present.
- Zilla Panchayath / Taluka Panchayath Bidar District – 2004-Present.
- Karanataka State Social Welfare Board. 2003- Present
- Karanataka Rajya Vijnyana Parishad, 1999 – Present.
- NABARD 1999 -2009.
- CAPART 2002-2009
- PLAN INDIA 2005 – 2012.
- Narayan Hrudalaya – 2008 – 2010.
- Karanataka State Women Development Corporation. 2011-12
- Ministry of Panchayat Raj Govt. of India.
- Central Social Welfare Board.
- Youth for Action